The Importance of Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

I am NOT a Makeup Artist per se...  However, in my former life as a Glo Skin Beauty Rep, I had to "Fake It to Make It"... so to speak!   I have always had a natural talent doing makeup.  I was THAT girl everyone called to do their PROM makeup or the girl whom everyone asked the new beauty trends in college.  

When I put my full face of makeup on, I typically use A LOT of makeup brushes.  And YES I wash them EVERY SINGLE USE!!!   I'll Repeat that, I wash them every single use!!!!  Why???  You might ask.  To me, It's just gross not to.   Think about it.....  All of the dirt, makeup and oil residue that is all around us, everywhere including IN our makeup and on our makeup brushes.  Now consider the time and money we spend taking care of our skin!  DO NOT turn around and clog those pores with a dirty makeup brush!!!   Not to mention the bacteria that can grow if dirty makeup is left on those brushes overnight:(.   Bacteria harbors more acne - YUCK! 

Also, not cleaning your brushes often enough will cause them to not last as long as they should.  So spend an extra 5 minutes after each makeup application to clean them for the life of your brushes, and the vitality of your skin:). 

There are lots of great brush cleaners on the market BUT you can actually make a very effective cleaner at home.  Here is my favorite.  Using a 12-ounce spray bottle, take 1tsp of Dawn dish cleaner and 1/3 alcohol to 2/3 water and of course shake.   I shake it a few times before each use as well.  Then a few spritzes on each brush after each use and of course a towel or paper towel and wipe thoroughly.  This should keep your brushes in great shape!
